Balanced Life Holidays
                 Spain +34 603 697 183

About the Area

About the Area

The Vall de Pop has a wealth of treasures for you to discover
The history of its Moorish origins, clearly seen in their unique sculptured mountainside terraces defining this area with wells, watermills and irrigation systems found within the lush green valley’s surrounded by intriguing mountains holding the history hidden within.

You can discover the Mozarbic paths which used to be the main transport routes for farmers and their goods heading to other villages and the Denia Port or the remains of the castles prominent on the hills and a gentle reminder of wars of the past.

The 12 villages which make up the Vall de Pop and the Vall de Laguar are still largely untouched by time with their central Churches and their belfries visible high on the horizon, dry stone walled houses in narrow cobbled streets where the locals sit outside and socialize and fiestas seem to happen every week.

Due to its healthy farming lifestyle, clean mountain air and good fresh food The World Health Organisation has declared the area as the healthiest place to live in Europe. It also boasts of 300 days of sunshine a year, perfect for the crops but also ideal for an outdoor lifestyle.
The landscape retains its historical past with agriculture remaining its main economy provider. Valleys full of almonds, grapes, olives, cherries and oranges constantly produce changing scenery, almonds, turning the valleys pink and  white indicating the start of Spring through to the bronzing of the grape leaf after harvest welcoming us to the start of Autumn. These are definitely the best times to visit.
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